Four weeks exactly since I've posted, I've had a several requests for some new reading material since then, so I apologize. I'll try to make this one a good one.
I usually write when I'm inspired or feel the need to share something with the world. Today and for the last several weeks I've felt an extreme hate for a certain group of people, and I have finally had it. I wish I could take them to Antarctica, strip them down to the nude and sail away in my sweet ass boat as I laugh and point at their certain demise...ya I hate them that much!
So by now you are probably wondering..."Wow! He has hate in his heart. I wonder who this group of people is."
Well to tell you the truth, unfortunately there are probably some 'rickysroost' readers that are part of this group. I like to call this group....drum roll please....the "I think I'm the only damn person on the planet and my actions don't effect or bother or impair the living of any other human being on Earth" group.
Here are some descriptions of the people in this group: The guy downstairs from me that believes that turning his TV up so loud that my floor vibrates (like frickin' right now!!) doesn't bother anyone in an apartment complex. Or how about the chick on the cell phone who disregards any traffic signals (chicks are bad enough drivers they don't need cell phones). Or the car that drives through my parking lot and honks their horn for 30 seconds till their friend comes outside (how bout you walk your fat ass up the stairs, it may do you some good). Or Ben's favorite, the person who sits at a red light in the right lane and then turns right when it turns green. There are so many of these people around us everyday that it blows my mind. And it just serves further evidence that you should have to pass an IQ test to be able to produce a child (of course I don't really believe that but, what if?).
In order to not make this a complete hate fest, I end with this. Wake up tomorrow and try to be aware of the people around you. Try and not just sit on this planet and be an oxygen bandit. Try to make something easier for just one person, whether that is holding open a door or teaching someone something...CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY! Just think if everyone did just one small something for someone everyday, how great would that be?
P.S. I feel there are more of "these" people out there, if you know of one you should leave a comment at the bottom of this post, in hopes that we can eventually track them all down and send the to Antarctica!