Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Help me help you.

First thing's first...I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and I'm still up taking a study "break" to do this--Why am I in school again? Oh yeah! The bigger picture (remember the last post?) anyway, I digress.

I was just trolling around the internet trying to do something mindless before I went back into school mode for another hour or two before I go to bed (its 1:03am right now). As I was doing this I went to my "bosses" blog, and now I shall steal an idea which I think is quite good. Mark Cuban is asking his readers to give him ideas for his television network HDnet. Although I am but a young, meek lad, I still wish to keep the things I do in my life fresh and entertaining. On this site I've tried giving you songs I enjoy, and funny clips I stumble across on the internet. As for the content I try to mix it up with stuff like; the mustache, political or societal commentary, things that piss me off, and of course my "adventures" here in Texas.

So here's is what I want from you my incredibly intelligent and always beautiful (beautiful only if "you" refers to a person who has two X chromosomes...go ahead Google it and figure out if that's you, I'll wait--okay proceed), morally and ethically bound, followers. I want YOU to tell me what YOU want to see on this site. Other than a handful of people who told me they read this stuff, I have no idea who you are or what you want. Of course I'll continue to be myself but if I can entertain and inform at the same time that would be fantastic. So either email me, if you are privileged enough to know my email address, call me and tell me, text me and tell me or hey why don't you just post it on here for everyone to see...DO YOU HAVE THE GUTS?

I'm kinda excited about the feedback I may get from this so don't let me down minions...or very smart people whom I love. A little flattery never hurts right?

To post on this site just click on the underlined link that has a numerical value and the word comments after it...then make the magic happen.

Monday, May 21, 2007

How big is your picture?

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Summertime in Big D

I enjoy this clip I hope you do too...

So what am I up to you ask? I have recently been given a full time position with the Mavs. You know that team that was supposed to win it all this year but went out in the first round. So I sit around and play computer games all day. I am quite lucky though it seems the part time positions may not have much time left, well unless we can keep coming up with things for them to do, so I must be thankful that I still have a job. School is starting up for the summer and I will be taking 3 classes now that I will have some free time this summer. And now the exciting news. I have made my plane reservations for Vegas. I will be playing in the World Series of Poker this summer, not in the main event but in one of the other 50 some odd events they have going on there. I will be there from June 29th to July 3rd and hopefully playing poker that whole time. But if not I'm gonna need some friends to get crazy with. So if you're reading this come on out to VEGAS and let's have some fun.

I was also looking back at some of the previous posts and noticed that I was supposed to keep you up to date with any Texas slang I've heard. Well how bout "Big Time". Used in the following manner..."Last night was a big time".