Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Lucky number 13?


So apparently taking 3 graduate classes and working at the same time is a poor decision. You would have thought I would have learned that after the last time I did it. But nope I didn't. I was at school till midnight tonight, and tonight was my night "off". It's almost 1am and I'm wide awake now...damn. There is 13 days left in the trimester (not like I'm counting or anything) and it's getting a little hectic. There is a bit of excitement in the air for me though, after these 13 days are up I'll only have 4 classes left. The light is at the end of the tunnel...I hope.

I wouldn't hold your breath for another post till after school's out, but hey you never know.

This educational update is brought to you by Ricky Herrera and (insert school supply brand name here) keeping the youth of tomorrow educated till freaking midnight.


Amanda: said...
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Amanda: said...

isn't school out yet, dude?