...take my worries from me, fly me high into the big blue sky well there's no one here but me.
Oh how wise of Mr. Pat Green.
This last weekend I took a road trip down to New Braunfels, TX to 'float the river'. Ryan spoke of this event like it was the coolest thing he'd ever done. My sister was in town for the weekend and it seemed like an easy way to have an action packed weekend. So I packed up all my stuff (1 pair of underwear, tooth brush, cargo shorts, an extra t shirt, and as much SPF 60 as I could carry out the door) and we headed out for the weekend. This whole floatin' the river business is just that it is A BUSINESS, I was amazed that putting tubes in water seemed to be a very successful industry. We were supposed to meet some people at one of the many tube rental places but of course Stanny (Adam Stanford's new nickname) missed the turn for the right parking lot. Well that ended up being one of the best mistakes ever, we had to go down the road and turn around in the next parking lot. While we were in that parking lot there was a sign saying that Pat Green was going to be there that night (I'm not gonna lie a little bit of pee came out of me). But we had to go get our float on so we concerned ourselves with the tube rental process.
It was a surely a sight to see. When you stand on the bridge above the river you can look down and all you see is tubes and people slowly moving down the river with the speed of a fat guy climbing stadium stairs. It was an amazing sight to see. This picture is just a google image (not from our trip) but is of the same place we were at. 
Once in the river, it was completely relaxing. From the hustle and bustle of city life, it just felt nice to not have to do anything for 5 hours. I didn't have my cell phone, I didn't have email, I just sat in a tube and floated...that's it. Now I know that some of you might think that, that sounds boring but it was actually quite nice. So nice in fact that apparently I ended up falling asleep for about 30 minutes of the float.
So for me the pinnacle of the trip was yet to occur. We went to check out the Pat Green concert to see if I was dreaming or if it was real. IT WAS REAL. Yes that's right folks we pretty much stumbled upon my favorite artist, I was super pumped. We got there right before he started and he put on a great show. One of the best things about the show is that Pat came out on stage in a blue t shirt, basketball shorts and barefoot. How many Nashville guys can put on a great show dressed like that? It's show like that, that add to my love for his music, he truly is just a "regular" guy. The reason he was dressed like that? It's cause he too was out on the river just floatin' with the rest of the people.
A great show, a great weekend, I got to see my sister, and Pat F!#$ing Green. My only complaint is he didn't sing the perfect river song...A Guy Like Me
Hearts and flowers, forget love letters
Once in the river, it was completely relaxing. From the hustle and bustle of city life, it just felt nice to not have to do anything for 5 hours. I didn't have my cell phone, I didn't have email, I just sat in a tube and floated...that's it. Now I know that some of you might think that, that sounds boring but it was actually quite nice. So nice in fact that apparently I ended up falling asleep for about 30 minutes of the float.
So for me the pinnacle of the trip was yet to occur. We went to check out the Pat Green concert to see if I was dreaming or if it was real. IT WAS REAL. Yes that's right folks we pretty much stumbled upon my favorite artist, I was super pumped. We got there right before he started and he put on a great show. One of the best things about the show is that Pat came out on stage in a blue t shirt, basketball shorts and barefoot. How many Nashville guys can put on a great show dressed like that? It's show like that, that add to my love for his music, he truly is just a "regular" guy. The reason he was dressed like that? It's cause he too was out on the river just floatin' with the rest of the people.
A great show, a great weekend, I got to see my sister, and Pat F!#$ing Green. My only complaint is he didn't sing the perfect river song...A Guy Like Me
Hearts and flowers, forget love letters
Pain and anger, forget forgiveness
Love ain't waiting for a guy like me
Debutantes and champagne, diamonds and cocaine
I ain't the son of outrageous fortune
Cash ain't status for a guy like me
Put me on a cool river
Take my worries from me
Fly me high into the big blue sky
Well, there's no one here but me, just me
Long black limousine, pictures in magazines
All night parties, beautiful people
No super model for a guy like me
I'm just a good man, I work with my hands
I get the picture, I heard the message
Hell ain't waiting for a guy like me
Put me on a cool river
Take my sins from me
Fly me high into the big blue sky
Well, there's no one here but me
1 comment:
You know, living in Texas my whole life (besides what I like to call my 5 year vacation in Miami, lol) I have never floated down the river! Been to San Antonio multiple times.... but never been lucky enough to do it! My friends brag about it, and tease me for not going... but again, I need TIME to do that sort of thing : ) Pat Green IS a great man, great great great man! He was born in San Antonio... so I bet he has floated down the river many a times, waking up burnt to a crisp on a black doughnut and hungover from all the beer lol.. even though he grew up in Waco (which I feel sorry for, no offense Wacons) haha.. but actually, when he was in town a few years back to perform at Billy Bob's in the stockyards... it was his or his (STEP)brother's b-day and his mother, Patricia, came and ordered a cake from our bakery. I didn't get to meet him (which I peed MY pants just meeting HER, so I would probably soil my britches if I met him! lol) well, she was just like you described Pat, very down-to-earth Southern. She was country as hell but in a very classy way, if that even makes since haha.. anyways, I like to think I helped make his birthday a special one that year haha... *key words there... LIKE to THINK* : ) My professor says "I love Pat Green too but get off, and do you're thumbnails" lol.. so that's my Q :o)
Take Care,
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