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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A night to cry over...

I must worn you I may ramble in this post.

Tonight I cried. I usually show my emotion in my posts and in the opinionated voice I give my friends. But tonight I showed my emotion in a way that is not as common to me. I am a 26 year old man and it is my stereotype that I cannot show emotion and that I should be this strong muscular rock of a man. Well I must apologize to you tonight. I am less a man than the stereotype allows me to be. I cried on three separate occasions tonight. I cried just a little bit when CNN(HD cause my TV is legit) announced that Obama had won the presidency. It was a moment that I knew was going to come. I've know that Obama was going to be the President of The United States of America in 2004 when he spoke at the Democratic National Convention. A lot of people said that a black man would never be President, but I knew in my heart, that man would be the next great leader of our country.

The next time I cried tonight was when John McCain gave his concession speech. Now you may think that I like this moment because I'm a democrat, wrong. I cried at this moment because I was so proud of John McCain, a man that against almost any other candidate I would have been behind. He gave the speech he needed to give, he gave a speech that I hope will begin the healing of our country.

At approximately 10:45pm central time I witnessed an event that will go down in American history as an event that will live in the annuals of "I have a dream", "this day will live forever in infamy", and "four score and seven years ago". I witnessed in my lifetime a man who brought a dream and a hope to this country that we hadn't seen in a long time. I witnessed the first black president in American history tonight. As he gave his acceptance speech I felt a pride I've never felt before, I felt emotions about my country that I didn't know were possible. Tonight I cried, I cried because the pride I felt exuded from my soul-my pours-more than it ever had before. I stood in a room with 2 other people of my age group and we openly let our tears run down our cheeks with heavy hearts and prideful minds. Tonight we elected a man that will change our country for the better, in a way that we haven't seen since FDR.

I'm sorry at this point I'm a little bit delirious, but I felt I needed to write. Tonight I'm proud to be in a country where this could happen, tonight I'm proud to be a democrat, but most importantly I'm proud to be an American!


Anonymous said...

I'm proud to be your friend. You said what many of us are thinking.

Anonymous said...


I doubt fully you are the only three that cried last night, just watching the words flow so beautifully out of Obama's mouth was life changing! We all shed a tear or two, for the New President of the United States that we all voted for (well a damn good amount of us did). His speech was enlightening, as well as McCain's speech. The only thing that infuriates me when I watched the two speeches was that McCain's crowd had a sea of white people listening to him, whereas Obama had every color known to man! It infuriates me because, going back to your last blog, the fact that there IS still racism in this world... and it's far from over. I can't wait for all these racist individuals to realize that he WILL make change, he WILL make history, and he WILL be our next President for the next 8 years (hey I am positive, ok!?) haha.

So cry away, Ricky, you are NOT less of a man for doing so...

Anonymous said...

Sara can teach u to 2-step... if ur wanting to take that off ur list? : )