Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

To whomever sent her my way, Thank you.

So I realized the other day that I hadn't posted anything in a long time. What I didn't realize until just now is that a long time meant nearly 7 months! So I know you've been sullied with the trash of Glee and Twilight and whatever else you crazy kids watch these days, here I come to save the day with a nice big giant soap box (and I ain't even gonna race it in a derby).

Why have I not written anything in almost 7 months what has been taking up all my time? Well the answer is not what but who, yes ladies and gentlemen I have me a lady friend. The last 8 and a half months have been awesome. I don't know why I'm so lucky, or what I did to deserve a girl like her, except beg for one in a post on 3/3/07 (go check it out, seriously I need the hits on the site and I can wait).

See I told you she has everything I thought I wanted 3 and a half years ago, and I am always right. Blonde hair, blue eyes, hardcore Mavs fan, strong educated woman, the list goes on but it goes on exactly like I wanted. So yes she takes up much of my time and I guess some of the time that I would sit and write to clear my mind and express myself, she now takes up (in a good way). As far as the clearing my mind and expressing myself part well just being with her clears my mind and puts me at ease, and I don't need to express myself around her she already knows who I am and what I'm about. It's nice. For those of you that have met her trust me I've heard you loud and clear.

Matt Morris "Dick don't fuck this up"
Moulton (he's like Madonna or Prince only needs one name) "Seriously Dick don't fuck this up"
Kevin Stevenson "little Ricky I don't know how you did this but don't fuck it up"
Bloch (he's like Jebediah or Ishmael only needs one name) "I'm happy for you brother, but seriously don't fuck this up"

Trust me boys, I'm trying my hardest to not "fuck this up".

How did I meet this little lady you may ask, well online of course. Isn't that where we get everything else we want these days? You can watch videos, buy clothes, get Christmas gifts, send flowers, find a job, tweet, tell your friends about your status, and yes you can even purchase a girlfriend. Okay, okay, I didn't "purchase" her, but I did use a popular Internet dating site to find her. It's kinda weird about 5-7 years ago the people who used the Internet got made fun of and were ridiculed for not "being able to find anyone". Now the sentiment is quite the opposite. I've become less and less - embarrassed - for lack of a better word because it seems nowadays everyone has either tried it or knows someone who has tried it. Maybe Internet dating is the bell bottom pants of the aughts.

Whatever the sentiment or feeling anyone else has, I'm falling hard, fast and hoping that I can keep her tricked that I'm good enough for her, long enough to where it's too late for her to turn back(fingers crossed).

So just as Beau got a proper introduction into the blogosphere, so shall she (I had to wait a little longer to introduce her, she was a higher flight risk). I present to you my wonderful, beautiful, amazing, above hyperbole, girlfriend Sarah...

That's it for tonight folks, but I've got some other ideas of things to write about so stay tuned. I may ramble off a few post in the next couple weeks. And as always how could I forget the most inspirational speech of all time. Today starts Jimmy V week and ESPN showed the Jimmy V speech in it's entirety today while I was at the gym. If you want and or need to be inspired... just youtube it.... GREATNESS.


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