Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

100 in 1000

Alright check out this concept. Since Shaq can put a timeline on when he is going to retire, down to the day, I figured I'd do something similar. I've seen someone do this and I thought it was a good idea. On the right side of this page there will be a list of 100 things I want to accomplish in the next 1000 days. Right now there is only about 30 or so things, but I'll continually add to the list. There are so many things I want to do, so I figured why not make that part of the content on this blog? I'll notate when a task gets accomplished so you can keep up with my progress or motivate me to get other items done.

So what's going to be on this list?

I will put things that I want to do before 6/16/2011 (at would be 1000 days from 9/20/2008). I'll be 29 years old and nearing the end of my twenties. Wow kinda scary. There are things on this list that may be out of my control (depending on how superstitious you are) such as; watching the Cowboys in the Super Bowl, or watching the Mavs win a championship. For the obvious reason that if I suited up for either the Cowboys or the Mavs I'd be thoroughly embarrassed, I can only root on my teams and hope they do well. So all 100 items may not get accomplished but it will be a fun 3 plus years if they do. There will be things on the list that I may never know if I accomplished as well as I think such as; inspiring someone, or keeping touch with old friends. So not all of the items will be events or obvious milestones but more a goal for living my daily life.

What you can do:
You can suggest items for me to put on the list...I need 70ish more people!
You can have a part in helping me accomplish one of them, anyone want to go sky diving?
You can get on me when I stray from the list.
You can enjoy watching me knock these down-and hey maybe the person I inspire will be you...


Anonymous said...

I have long wanted to make a "to do before I die" list, but never have put pen to paper to do so. Maybe your doing so will get me to do so too. Wait, did I just help you accomplish one of yours? Does this count as inspiring someone to change something? Ha!

Off the top of my head for me real quick:

-- Watch all James Bond movies (almost complete)

-- Write a book about the Beatles (I have a great idea that I have never seen done and I think it would be great fun)

-- Go to a World Series game

-- See Fenway Park

-- Have my picture made on the crosswalk at Abbey Road in London

-- Run for office and win

-- Be able to make my living completely from running baseball leagues and tournaments (working on it!)

-- Watch all 6 Star Wars movies in order in a single day (big party, caterers, etc.)

-- Hang out with Mila Kunis (yeah right)

-- Record a CD of original songs and play all the instruments (except lead guitar, and I'll have Brother Buddha do that)

-- Visit all 50 states (prob about 1/2 done so far, or slightly less)

-- Be in a musical or play

-- See the Mona Lisa, David, The Sistine Chapel, etc.

-- Hone my keyboarding skills until I can be considered at least a fair jazz pianist

-- Manage to have my kids not hate me when they grow up

-- Visit every Spring Training ballpark in Major League use in Florida and Arizona (only two left!)

-- Visit every Major League Ballpark currently in use (much more difficult)

-- Come up with some things that are of more value than sports, movies, and music to add to the list...


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, also, watch the Cowboys with Ricky at his new place in Irving. CHECK!

Thanks again, man!

Anonymous said...


I love your list, which you and Joshua were right... It inspires us, to make our own lists.... our own glorified "bucket list" ha. Well, I could help you with some of the things if you would like :o) First of all, I have a Mac and LOVE IT!! It is an excellent investment, especially if you're on the computer frequently. I am a graphic design major and so I spend 80% of my time on it, haha. Secondly, many of the things on your list could be done hand in hand, such as, visiting Hawaii (which is amazing by the way) and scuba diving then go sit on the beach and write a country song inspired by the list you're creating : )~ Also, I am going to Europe in the next year, because I want to see architecture, museums, historical places, and to experience everyday life of the people halfway across the world from where I'm from.

Here are a few things I would put on my list, that you might want to experience as well:
1. visit the Louvre
2. paint my face while attending a cowboy's game
3. learn origami
4. expand my spanish vocab
5. cruise to Alaska, to whale watch
6. make an entire meal from scratch
7. do New Year's in Times Square
8. Meet Jim Carey (hey I can wish)
9. plant a small garden
10. teach my dog, Buttercup, how to "bow" (she has roll over, sit, lay, leave it, and "go to your bed" down) haha...

well... there you go... not near as inspiring as yours but I tried : )

Thanks again for your inspirations,
