100 in 1000 update:
I have added a few new items to the list and have actually completed, or began to complete others, so check out how I'm doing. I still need more so keep the suggestions coming!
I have added a few new items to the list and have actually completed, or began to complete others, so check out how I'm doing. I still need more so keep the suggestions coming!
As some of you may know I spent the last week in Glen Allen, Virgina (suburb of Richmond). I was out there for a week of training with my new company Apex Systems. As with most travels I had some frustrating experiences, some great times and now need a good weekend of rest. So I had to leave on Sunday morning (company made the flights) and I missed the Cowboy game, so you can blame me for the Cowboys loss since they're undefeated with me in attendance this season. I go to check my bags and quickly learned that US Air charges for bags. Now think about this for a second...I'm traveling for a 5 day trip...I'm probably gonna need to bring some stuff with me right? I just don't understand why you would charge someone for something that is essential for their flight. Okay so once I pay for my checked bag I still have a carry on, but the plane we are flying on is apparently too small for carry on luggage so they make me leave it on the jet way and they go put it with all the other checked luggage. WTF! So I need to pay to check luggage but then you're going to end up checking my carry on anyway?! Seriously, what the hell? In addition to that, if I wanted something to drink on the plane-even water- I had to pay $2. That seems ridiculous to me. Just more reasons why Southwest is still the best airline.
Once in Virginia, I had a great time. Like my Dad said most training sessions are filled with non-sense and stuff that you already knew. This training session on the other had was great. I feel as though I learned a lot about the company, and how to do my job better. Although the days were long they were jam packed with necessary information. What made the days a bit longer were the nights...
Our group of 14 was made up of people from across the country. We all got along had a really great time doing it. We went out each night, and like my manager told me before I went, I didn't ever get too boozed up. On the other hand one girl did! She had too much to drink the night before and was throwing up at work the next day. If you want to be an adult, you should probably act like one. She didn't act like one so she didn't get treated like one, she had to call her manager and tell her why she was going to miss a day of training. Apparently she was too hung over to even stay at work...idiot.
So now I'm back and man am I tired. I get a couple days to rest and then back to work (in Dallas). But now the training wheels are off and I gotta start makin' that money! If you know any IT people in Dallas holla at ya boy!
1 comment:
Glad your back safe Ricky!!
Haha, there is nothing more annoying but yet at the same time... satisfying, as a hungover co-worker. Yeah it's annoying because you have to put up with them, but also funny because... it's not you!! I handle my liquor pretty well, so I have not been "that girl" .. but I have been around many that have... and I just want to thank them, for making me look good! haha...
Well, bon chance (good luck) Ricky,
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