Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Home of the... brave?

Ya miss me? Ya I didn't think so, oh well. Here's some reading to kick start your weekend and hopefully your thought process.

As many of you already know (if you have come out of your Dos XX and Corona daze yet) Cinco De Mayo was this week. So most of you drank for no real apparent reason... good for you, your an American and you have rights so you had the right to do so. That's interesting because apparently what you didn't have the right to do was to wear a T-shirt with an American flag on it to high school on that day. On the 5th of May, Cinco students were asked to remove their T-shirts which were either American colors or had American flags on them. The school's administration called the shirts "incendiary". Assuming that these kids weren't committing arson, Merriam Webster's dictionary online gives the definition of "a person who excites factions, quarrels, or sedition : agitator".

Here are my thoughts on the incident:
As I know it to be true these students were not in the face of any particular students or taunting them with their clothing choice. Unless I'm mistaken or have not heard all the details these students just wore these shirts (sure it was in a rebellious way, I'm not saying they didn't do it solely because it was Cinco De Mayo because I'm sure that's the only reason they did it) and went about their day at school in a normal matter. If these assumptions are wrong some of the following opinions may change.

These students did nothing wrong, period. In school we teach and even force patriotism upon students, making them stand up and say the pledge of allegiance every morning (I don't have a problem with it I'm just sayin...) so why is it a problem when they decide to show that patriotism on their own? We get so upset with the "youth of America" because they are so disconnected with politics or have no world view, but the second they decide to stand for something or take pride in something they are sent home from school? That doesn't seem right to me. In this clip ( there is an interview with a Hispanic girl who feels the students were wrong. I wonder if she even knows what the holiday is? It's NOT even a holiday in Mexico! It is only recognized in the Mexican state of Puebla. It is Mexico's equivalent of The Alamo, an event not celebrated by many in the United States outside of Texas. It's NOT Mexico's independence day that day is September 16th (doesn't sound as cool to surround a marketing campaign of drinking beer though so you don't know about it), and if it wasn't an excuse to drink Mexican beers, I'm about 95% confident nobody would celebrate it here either.

As in most cases, a larger picture is needed to really see what's going on here. In my opinion this isn't about these 5 students. This is just another case in the dumbing/watering down of America. Last week I read an article about the Boy Scouts of America. This organization has taken charge in molding a moral base and a sense of the great outdoors in young men for many years. But now as a Boy Scout you will be able to earn a (excuse the following language) Fucking Award for playing Video Games! That's right an organization known for the outdoors and teaching right from wrong is now promoting sitting in front of the TV and playing video games.

You wanna know why our economy sucks and people can't find jobs? It's not George Bush's fault it's not Barrack Obama's fault... IT OUR FAULT! Take some damn responsibility for yourself. We take dodgeball out of P.E. because it's too mean for kids, we give participation awards for everything (try just showing up and getting a raise at work), we sue each other because we spill coffee on ourselves.... AHHHHHH. Maybe the terrorists are right, maybe we do need to be killed. Cause we're acting like freakin' idiots. Other countries are blowing by us in education as we are busy leaving no child behind why don't we stop with fancy political slogans and do something about it? Other countries are catching us financially, as well as becoming our creditors while they collect interest on all our debt. And as our own political parties are busy telling everybody that the other side is soooo wrong most of the country is busy losing interest in politics. Many people in my age group and group of friends, including myself are becoming or already are disgusted with politics in this country. The youth movement was so inspired in this past election and I wouldn't be surprised if, that election may be the last to have an inspired youth movement. I was very interested in politics and now I just get sick when I hear about the left being liberal hippies or that the right hates people. They both suck and they've both lost me. Mickey Mouse for President!

Where is the American spirit that created modern day capitalism? Where is the winning attitude that turned a country of misfits into the most powerful country in the world? Why can't we tell kids, adults or the American people as a whole the truth anymore? Are we so dumb that we just need to have our ego's stroked so we don't get our pretty little feelings hurt?


Geez in the real world you don't always win. In the real world sometimes you just flat out get screwed over. But we need to learn that at an early age so we don't fall apart when that happens as an adult. I love this country with all my heart but more and more often I'm so utterly embarrassed for us.

I was asked this week by my Dad and I forwarded the question on as well. What is greatness? As I tried to figure out the answer to that question (if there is a right answer) I came up blank. But what I do know is what greatness is not. Greatness is not sending home kids who wear the flag of their country on their shirts ON ANY DE MAYO.