Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Take control

Who is in control? The religous tend to think god is in control. The dreamers think fate may be the one with the answer. A gambling man may waiver from the cards to their skill being in control. To an addict the addiction is surely in control in that situation. So which one are you? Do the actions or reactions of someone or something control what you do on a daily basis? Does fate, god, the cards or anyone else dictate your life for you?

I maintain a pretty level persona and don't tend to get too excited or too upset about'll even out won't it? I am very much in control of myself (or at least I think I am). But at certain times I like to release that control and become a follower not to a person or philosophy but to the world. Just wake up and let stuff happen to me, it's more interesting that way...but only if you do it every now and again. This weekend I just let the world take me around by the hand, it was wonderful, miserable, disgusting, and beautiful all within 36 hours. I didn't really have a plan, I had no restrictions, no weekend aspirations, I just went on the wings of the world.

I had a great time.

The more interesting point is why did I do that? Why do people give up control of their lives, be it for a weekend, a month, or a lifetime. In retrospect it wasn't all it could be. Maybe it's the alpha male in me or maybe just my control freak attitude but, not being in control scares the shit out of me. One of the definitions of insanity is "extreme folly; senselessness; foolhardiness". I got a little insane this weekend, I knew it was going to happen and I let another thing make decisions for me.

I'm a grown man...or trying to be...why can't I be in charge all the time? I'm an independent thinker (just like everyone else) I try to follow no one or no thing without careful decision making, but on the weekends, less often now as I grow older I tend to 'give up' that control. That's done, I'm better than that.

Take control, before control is taken of you.

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