Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Santa vs. Jimmy V

Isn't it weird how sometimes you have no new ideas then --WHAM-- two good ideas at once? Well that happened today. I haven't posted since the election and I couldn't think of what to talk about next, well I have two things so I'm gonna kind've combine them into this post.

This last week on ESPN it was Jimmy V week. For those of you that don't know who Jimmy V is, his name is actually Jim Valvano. He is a basketball coach that died of cancer...but to end his story there doesn't do him and his legacy any justice. He is most notably known for two moments in sports history; 1) he took a 6 seeded NC State basketball team that wasn't supposed to do anything to win a national championship over top seeded Houston at the buzzer. *Important side note* This happened in the greatest college basketball arena in the country...THE PIT. His player caught a pass and dunked the ball as time ran out, but the image that some of you may know very well is of Valvano running around the court with his arms wide open looking for someone...anyone to hug. 2) The second moment is less a sports moment and more a life moment. On March 4th, 1993 ( 10 years and 2 days after the tournament that won him a national championship started...he likes March huh?) he was awarded the Arthur Ashe award for courage (the inaugural issue of the award). He proceeded to give an incredibly funny, inspiring, real and moving speech. Whether by coincidence or not the past two years I've heard the speech played in it's entirety, last year it was on the radio as I drove to work and this year ESPN had it on all of their networks to kick off Jimmy V week (I think I may make it a tradition). Here's the link in case you would like to see it for yourself...or renew your memory of it.

Now if you don't watch it, I'd like to leave you with a few quotes from the speech that I think are the most fitting for everyday life.

"I urge all of you, all of you, to enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. To spend each day with some laughter and some thought, to get you're emotions going"

"I know, I gotta go, I gotta go, and I got one last thing and I said it before, and I want to say it again. Cancer can take away all my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever."

Alright now that I've taken care of that...

Dear Santa, I think I've been a pretty good boy this year. I did ALL my school work, I made new friends, and I even adopted...a pet. So here is my list of things I want:

  • A healthy family

  • A winning lottery ticket

  • One of your reindeer...but I'll settle for Rudolph's nose

  • For the people that read this post to do something for someone who isn't expecting it that will put a wonderful end to their year.

  • **Side not to above item** If you send me an email and tell me what you did I'd love to post them on here and I'll keep you anonymous.

  • A Cowboys playoff berth

  • Great success for my friends

  • A frisbee dog...but I'll settle for Beau being able to play frisbee

  • For everyone to; laugh, think and let their emotions go. Everyday...just like Jimmy V said

  • For Obama to be as good of a President, as I think he can be.

  • To be healthy enough to play soccer again...damn shins!

  • For Emmitt Smith to be a better broadcaster...or to stop broadcasting. I love you Emmitt but c'mon dog

  • A lady friend

  • A kiss from Danny Granger

  • For deck shoes to go out of style

  • My student loans to go play and go @#$% yourself

  • And be just as happy next time I have to make this list.

Happy Holidays friends!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A night to cry over...

I must worn you I may ramble in this post.

Tonight I cried. I usually show my emotion in my posts and in the opinionated voice I give my friends. But tonight I showed my emotion in a way that is not as common to me. I am a 26 year old man and it is my stereotype that I cannot show emotion and that I should be this strong muscular rock of a man. Well I must apologize to you tonight. I am less a man than the stereotype allows me to be. I cried on three separate occasions tonight. I cried just a little bit when CNN(HD cause my TV is legit) announced that Obama had won the presidency. It was a moment that I knew was going to come. I've know that Obama was going to be the President of The United States of America in 2004 when he spoke at the Democratic National Convention. A lot of people said that a black man would never be President, but I knew in my heart, that man would be the next great leader of our country.

The next time I cried tonight was when John McCain gave his concession speech. Now you may think that I like this moment because I'm a democrat, wrong. I cried at this moment because I was so proud of John McCain, a man that against almost any other candidate I would have been behind. He gave the speech he needed to give, he gave a speech that I hope will begin the healing of our country.

At approximately 10:45pm central time I witnessed an event that will go down in American history as an event that will live in the annuals of "I have a dream", "this day will live forever in infamy", and "four score and seven years ago". I witnessed in my lifetime a man who brought a dream and a hope to this country that we hadn't seen in a long time. I witnessed the first black president in American history tonight. As he gave his acceptance speech I felt a pride I've never felt before, I felt emotions about my country that I didn't know were possible. Tonight I cried, I cried because the pride I felt exuded from my soul-my pours-more than it ever had before. I stood in a room with 2 other people of my age group and we openly let our tears run down our cheeks with heavy hearts and prideful minds. Tonight we elected a man that will change our country for the better, in a way that we haven't seen since FDR.

I'm sorry at this point I'm a little bit delirious, but I felt I needed to write. Tonight I'm proud to be in a country where this could happen, tonight I'm proud to be a democrat, but most importantly I'm proud to be an American!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Politics is neat!

100 in 1000 update:
Ummm...crap I gotta get on that stuff. Especially that whole book a month thing...only a few days left.

Not too much has changed since the last time I posted so felt I would finally resort to the post that all of you knew was coming...a political post! {insert scary horror music...just in time for Halloween}

On Tuesday November 4th, 2008 this country will have an election that will change us forever. This is at least the most important election in a generation, and dare I say the most important or at the very least, the most significant election in this nations history. Barack Obama (please don't let me jinx this) looks like he will beat John McCain in the general election. At the age of 26 and growing up in a neutral state like New Mexico I never really experienced any outright racism. I was pretty sheltered to the racism that surrounded me although it probably wasn't too blatant in sleepy Rio Rancho. Going back only a few decades racial tensions and civil rights issues were at a peak. The middle of the 20th century was filled with civil rights issues and battles between races that we (well most of us sane individuals) see now as ridiculous. On April 7th, 2007 I posted a story about The Little Rock 9, it's a story about a school that was forcefully segregated. The reason I bring that post up is to look how far we've come as a nation. We've come from a country that discriminated against people because they had a different skin color. Now I'm not saying that racism is dead, by all means I am fully aware (especially since living in Texas) that racism is not dead. But the strides we've made to accept people of all walks of life, is what this country was founded on.

We are a diverse nation and we need to be represented in that way. So no matter who you vote for on Tuesday remember to take a second and admire the progress we've made as a country (unless your a racist bastard...well then your opinion doesn't really mean much to me anyhow). I will be watching the votes come in on Tuesday night and I'll be a proud American. I be watching a moment that this country is fundamentally founded upon. That moment will show us all that no matter what hand you're dealt, or the odds you're up against you truly can be whoever you want to be.
If you are a McCain supporter, please don't write to me and try to change my mind by telling me I'm a terrorist or socialist, or that Obama will let other countries take us over or whatever else. People who offer up those suggestions, make themselves and other republicans look like idiots. I am not completely to the left I'm actually more towards the center (I just truly believe in Obama). I welcome any comments about either candidate, but please for your own sake at least have sources or statistics that come from reputable places. You're not going to change my mind...but it's a free country speak your mind if it moves you to do so!

P.S. if you think Palin would be a great president hold your breath till I say when...

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Virginia is NOT for lovers.

100 in 1000 update:
I have added a few new items to the list and have actually completed, or began to complete others, so check out how I'm doing. I still need more so keep the suggestions coming!

As some of you may know I spent the last week in Glen Allen, Virgina (suburb of Richmond). I was out there for a week of training with my new company Apex Systems. As with most travels I had some frustrating experiences, some great times and now need a good weekend of rest. So I had to leave on Sunday morning (company made the flights) and I missed the Cowboy game, so you can blame me for the Cowboys loss since they're undefeated with me in attendance this season. I go to check my bags and quickly learned that US Air charges for bags. Now think about this for a second...I'm traveling for a 5 day trip...I'm probably gonna need to bring some stuff with me right? I just don't understand why you would charge someone for something that is essential for their flight. Okay so once I pay for my checked bag I still have a carry on, but the plane we are flying on is apparently too small for carry on luggage so they make me leave it on the jet way and they go put it with all the other checked luggage. WTF! So I need to pay to check luggage but then you're going to end up checking my carry on anyway?! Seriously, what the hell? In addition to that, if I wanted something to drink on the plane-even water- I had to pay $2. That seems ridiculous to me. Just more reasons why Southwest is still the best airline.

Once in Virginia, I had a great time. Like my Dad said most training sessions are filled with non-sense and stuff that you already knew. This training session on the other had was great. I feel as though I learned a lot about the company, and how to do my job better. Although the days were long they were jam packed with necessary information. What made the days a bit longer were the nights...

Our group of 14 was made up of people from across the country. We all got along had a really great time doing it. We went out each night, and like my manager told me before I went, I didn't ever get too boozed up. On the other hand one girl did! She had too much to drink the night before and was throwing up at work the next day. If you want to be an adult, you should probably act like one. She didn't act like one so she didn't get treated like one, she had to call her manager and tell her why she was going to miss a day of training. Apparently she was too hung over to even stay at work...idiot.

So now I'm back and man am I tired. I get a couple days to rest and then back to work (in Dallas). But now the training wheels are off and I gotta start makin' that money! If you know any IT people in Dallas holla at ya boy!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

100 in 1000

Alright check out this concept. Since Shaq can put a timeline on when he is going to retire, down to the day, I figured I'd do something similar. I've seen someone do this and I thought it was a good idea. On the right side of this page there will be a list of 100 things I want to accomplish in the next 1000 days. Right now there is only about 30 or so things, but I'll continually add to the list. There are so many things I want to do, so I figured why not make that part of the content on this blog? I'll notate when a task gets accomplished so you can keep up with my progress or motivate me to get other items done.

So what's going to be on this list?

I will put things that I want to do before 6/16/2011 (at would be 1000 days from 9/20/2008). I'll be 29 years old and nearing the end of my twenties. Wow kinda scary. There are things on this list that may be out of my control (depending on how superstitious you are) such as; watching the Cowboys in the Super Bowl, or watching the Mavs win a championship. For the obvious reason that if I suited up for either the Cowboys or the Mavs I'd be thoroughly embarrassed, I can only root on my teams and hope they do well. So all 100 items may not get accomplished but it will be a fun 3 plus years if they do. There will be things on the list that I may never know if I accomplished as well as I think such as; inspiring someone, or keeping touch with old friends. So not all of the items will be events or obvious milestones but more a goal for living my daily life.

What you can do:
You can suggest items for me to put on the list...I need 70ish more people!
You can have a part in helping me accomplish one of them, anyone want to go sky diving?
You can get on me when I stray from the list.
You can enjoy watching me knock these down-and hey maybe the person I inspire will be you...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Introducing Beau!

Apparently I drove by the animal humane society in Irivng one too many times and yesterda I finally cracked. I stopped just to look at the dogs...well that didn't work. I found one that caught my eye and now I have myself a dog. His name is Beau, he is a shepard mix and he is about 1 year old. Here's some pictures enjoy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Dick's Mavs departure

Alright well it happened I sent a call out to the masses to pen the next chapter of my life. "someone out there needs to hurry up and get to writing, write the next chapter of my book dammit! I have an MBA you have to listen to me now! Write...oh yah and throw in a cute blonde girl somewhere...", this is a direct quotation from a post on Cinco de Mayo (really I was blogging on Cinco de Mayo? Man, I'm getting old). So yeah I wrote that about 4 and a half months ago. Guess what?! Someone picked up the damn pen!

That's right folks someone has decided to start freakin' writing. Last Tuesday I was offered and accepted a job as an IT (information technologies) Recruiter for a staffing firm right here in Irving. So what do I know about IT? Not a damn thing. But what do I know about kickin' ass and taking names? Well not much of that either. But I'm a good employee, and a hard worker. This job is a great opportunity with no cap on how much I can make and where this can take me. I have never done a job that has a commission, but I thought I'd give it a try because I've always busted my butt at work (plus it has a base salary so I'm not screwed if I suck) and I think it's about time I get paid as such. So sure I've never done anything in the staffing industry or with IT before but that doesn't matter. A friend from one of my classes at UD is the one who refereed me to the position. He came in with the same experience or lack thereof and now 3 years later he is running his own branch. I'm not saying I'm going to take the staffing world by storm but I'm very confident in the fact that I will have success at whatever I'm doing.

So now for the cute blonde girl part, seriously people if you're gonna write a story doesn't there always have to be a hot fling in there somewhere? Don't you know anything about writing? I guess not...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympic fever

Alright let's be real here...before last weekend when was the last time you watched, cared for, or even gave a second thought to competitive swimming? Now Since last weekend have you either watched, talked about, or discussed swimming strategy? Why is it that once the Olympics start we instantly become attached to sports that we would normally not care for? We even become temporary experts.

I love the Olympics. I've been drawn in by the Michael Phelps craze just like I'm sure most you, most of the country and most of the planet. Even with the advancements of technology and training facilities, it still took someone 30 some odd years to beat Spitz's record for gold medals in a single Olympic games. But after next weekends closing ceremonies I will forget all about swimming, I'll forget about the men's water polo team, I'll forget all about synchronized diving, and I'll definitely forget all about women's handball (seriously how is that an Olympic sport?). But in 4 years I'll once again be glued to my TV watching the London games.

So what is it about the Olympics that draws us in and takes a hold of us for 2 weeks? I'm not sure what it is, it could be the patriotism in us, it could be the drama of high level sporting events, it could be us watching and waiting for that moment that sends chills down your spine and makes your eyes well up. Or it could be a little bit of all of that all mixed together, at least that's why I watch. As a sports fan I love seeing athletes at the top of their game compete and push themselves to the limit...even if it is just diving. Then every now and again you get a moment like the relay comeback last week where the USA beat the trash talking french team in an event they weren't supposed to win.

So for now let's enjoy the Olympic games and get ready for the Michael Phelps Wheaties box.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Put me on a cool river...

...take my worries from me, fly me high into the big blue sky well there's no one here but me.

Oh how wise of Mr. Pat Green.

This last weekend I took a road trip down to New Braunfels, TX to 'float the river'. Ryan spoke of this event like it was the coolest thing he'd ever done. My sister was in town for the weekend and it seemed like an easy way to have an action packed weekend. So I packed up all my stuff (1 pair of underwear, tooth brush, cargo shorts, an extra t shirt, and as much SPF 60 as I could carry out the door) and we headed out for the weekend. This whole floatin' the river business is just that it is A BUSINESS, I was amazed that putting tubes in water seemed to be a very successful industry. We were supposed to meet some people at one of the many tube rental places but of course Stanny (Adam Stanford's new nickname) missed the turn for the right parking lot. Well that ended up being one of the best mistakes ever, we had to go down the road and turn around in the next parking lot. While we were in that parking lot there was a sign saying that Pat Green was going to be there that night (I'm not gonna lie a little bit of pee came out of me). But we had to go get our float on so we concerned ourselves with the tube rental process.

It was a surely a sight to see. When you stand on the bridge above the river you can look down and all you see is tubes and people slowly moving down the river with the speed of a fat guy climbing stadium stairs. It was an amazing sight to see. This picture is just a google image (not from our trip) but is of the same place we were at.
Once in the river, it was completely relaxing. From the hustle and bustle of city life, it just felt nice to not have to do anything for 5 hours. I didn't have my cell phone, I didn't have email, I just sat in a tube and floated...that's it. Now I know that some of you might think that, that sounds boring but it was actually quite nice. So nice in fact that apparently I ended up falling asleep for about 30 minutes of the float.

So for me the pinnacle of the trip was yet to occur. We went to check out the Pat Green concert to see if I was dreaming or if it was real. IT WAS REAL. Yes that's right folks we pretty much stumbled upon my favorite artist, I was super pumped. We got there right before he started and he put on a great show. One of the best things about the show is that Pat came out on stage in a blue t shirt, basketball shorts and barefoot. How many Nashville guys can put on a great show dressed like that? It's show like that, that add to my love for his music, he truly is just a "regular" guy. The reason he was dressed like that? It's cause he too was out on the river just floatin' with the rest of the people.

A great show, a great weekend, I got to see my sister, and Pat F!#$ing Green. My only complaint is he didn't sing the perfect river song...A Guy Like Me

Hearts and flowers, forget love letters
Pain and anger, forget forgiveness
Love ain't waiting for a guy like me
Debutantes and champagne, diamonds and cocaine
I ain't the son of outrageous fortune
Cash ain't status for a guy like me
Put me on a cool river
Take my worries from me
Fly me high into the big blue sky
Well, there's no one here but me, just me
Long black limousine, pictures in magazines
All night parties, beautiful people
No super model for a guy like me
I'm just a good man, I work with my hands
I get the picture, I heard the message
Hell ain't waiting for a guy like me

Put me on a cool river
Take my sins from me
Fly me high into the big blue sky
Well, there's no one here but me

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Your move Burt!

Let's play a game called Guess What This Is

64 Squares, 32 players, many directions being pulled, thousands of possible moves, black and white, slow and strategic, and definitely with a time limit.

If you said a game of chess you are correct but boring...c'mon be more creative than that. Okay well how bout this?


Yes, that's right I think life or at least mine of late is like a big game of chess. A novice chess player, I know a bit about the game and last night started thinking that all these decisions and moves I have to make are so similar to those a game of chess would contain. I'm not too sure at what point in the game I am (part of the problem), but what I do know and fully understand is that it is my move.

You've heard of master chess players that will play like a hundred people at one time and just go up and down the line moving their pieces, you've heard of that right? Well imagine you're that chess player.

The whistle blows and you start with your first game, easy right? You move a pawn forward or a knight up and in, something basic. You probably do a similar move in the next 99 games. Now you're back at the first game and the opponent has countered your opening move, like you, they probably just moved a pawn or something like that. These simple moves continue for oh, maybe like the first 4, 5, 6 moves. In life this equates to the simple decisions; when to eat, when to sleep, going to grade school, you know the stuff everyone does.

Then the time comes when you need to start deciding which pieces to attack. In chess it's simple taking their rook when they're going to kill one of your pawns no big deal right? Making an aggressive attack up the middle, while your opponent just moves his knight in funny 'L' shapes along the sides. Who cares if that crazy 'L' shape ends up taking your queen or worse...(insert scary music here) THE KING! It's chess they are just pieces, so what. Unfortunately in life who knows you may need that pawn later on down the line.

Alright now you're at move 20, the room is smokey, your brain is throbbing at the intense focus needed to maintain these 100 separate games at the same time. The clocks are ticking the seconds away waiting for your move, the man across the table from you has the most ridiculous Burt Reynolds mustache you've ever seen (didn't see that one coming did you?). Your hand grabs the piece, you've got your move, the perfect one, wham you set the piece down and grin confidently at the Reynolds impersonator. As you turn your back and head to the next table to make your move there, you see the guy at the last table immediately counter your move and take a key piece. You go back to look--of course why didn't you think of that? You're supposed to think a few moves ahead of the current one right? So you continue on, but now you second guess your decisions, the clock's tick seems to echo in your ears, when at a particular table you are constantly thinking back five, or six tables ago...was the move the right one, has he already countered? Now the boards are getting confused in your head and it all begins to unravel. Luckily enough you are a skilled chessmen (I assume that's what a chess player is called) so as you may have lost some of the games you still have plenty left, and plenty that you've already won.

Now I think this is the point I'm at. I've won several games, lost several, but the majority of them are laid out in this big ominous line that seems to give me tunnel vision every time I look down it. As the rounds progress each move is riskier, each thought is more complicated, and each mustache is bigger and darker than the last (I'm in tears making myself laugh about these mustaches). So what's my next move, the pawn, the rook, the knight, ooohh how bout a castle with my rook and king? Who knows all I know is that I'm up and this damn clock keeps ticking in my ear, so I gotta make my move before my timer runs out.

It's not all bad though right? I mean how complex can my life be if I make mustache jokes in my blog? So I guess I'll continue to grab the pieces and make moves, not knowing if they're the right ones or not. Who knows maybe next year you can call me a chessmen!

I will leave you with a song I made up while making my sandwich for dinner tonight.

My bologna has a first name,
it's K-R-O-G-E-R
My bologna has a second name,
it's V-A-L-U-E
Oh I love to eat it everyday,
And if you ask me why I'll say,
Cause Kroger Value has a way with C-H-E-A-PEEEE!

Monday, June 02, 2008

A book really?

So last time I was asking for the writing of a new chapter. Well little did I know I'd be not only wanting one but reading one! Yeah for those of you who know me, I'm not that big of a reader...okay well I haven't read a book since Christopher Robin was the star of the show. But I went to Chicago this weekend and I had some long lay overs and flights ahead of me in the following days. So I figured I'd try to do something to keep my mind occupied. Lately I've been doing a lot of things to keep my mind occupied but a book...never! I couldn't believe it but as I trolled through the bookstore at Love Field looking for something to wet my whistle, I didn't find any magazines that did it for me. The crosswords weren't moving me at the time. It was actually a book! So I did it, I bought A Post American World. I'm not a terrorist or anything like that now, trust me. I may be that bad word New Gingrich loves "liberal" but I'm by no means, not a patriotic person. I thought the premise of the book was quite interesting. I saw the author talk about the book on The Daily Show with John Stewart, and it sounded interesting. It is less a book about the fall of the United States and more about the rise of the rest of the world. For decades we've been preaching democracy and free trade and the like to the entire world...the author thinks it finally set in. You know like when you tell your teenager that school is important and then they don't do their homework but then in 10 years they're flipping burgers...well the rest of the world just got tired of flipping burgers. Now I'm only 80 some odd pages in but I'm actually excited to finish this book. I will keep the masses updated and...give (look of pain on my face) a book report or something later.

Oh yeah and I learned this song in the bleachers at Wrigley and you didn't HAHA!
Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go, Hey Chicago what do ya say? Cubs are gonna win today!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Can someone write the next chapter please?

Told you I did some neat stuff, check this link

So umm, what am I supposed to talk about now? Uh geez. So I came out here I bought a house and now I'm done with school , yeah what else am I supposed to do again?

I'm sure I've talked about "the next chapter" type stuff (if I haven't just humor me). I'm always like all "yea I get to turn the page to a new chapter of my's gonna be so exciting, hooray!" What the F$CK was I thinking?

[He raises his hand emphatically] "ooh ooh call on me!"
[The blogger looks confused that someone has a questions for him] "Yes Ricky what would you like to say?"
"Um yeah I take back this whole 'getting my own life stuff', lol, I want to be 14 years old and only have soccer tryouts and geometry (the math class way way way before calculus)"
"Sorry Ricky you're --well for lack of a better word -- you're screwed!"

Sorry for the dialogue that was really just an internal monologue...confused yet? Good cause I am too. Sure all that writing a new chapter in your life stuff is true I'd love to see what my book of life has in store for me, but I just wish I was a faster reader, haha. I think I wanted a few blank pages in between school and whatever else there was in store for me. Well once again I've proved myself wrong. That whole 'nothing to do is awesome' bit was nice for a week or two, but I'm like "Shit there's nothing to do!"

It's not that I'm bored it's more like I feel stagnant. When I told my parents in late 2005 that I was going to go to Dallas "to get an education, buy a house, and work for a professional sports team" My parents seemed taken back, but in only two years I did just that. Okay great but what am I supposed to do now! Now I'm not talking about putting up rain gutters at my house (which look great, good job Ricky), or painting a room, I'm talking about big stuff. What's my next big goal?

So how bout this...I'll just sit here blogging and realizing even though I watch sports center 3 to 4 times a day I don't know anything about sports (Direct Ricky quote from a few weeks ago "It doesn't matter what seed you are this year in the playoffs everyone is so close that it's gonna be a crap shoot" -- What actually happened? 1-4 seeds advance to second round in both conferences...Screw Chris Paul). While that happens someone out there needs to hurry up and get to writing, write the next chapter of my book dammit! I have an MBA you have to listen to me now! Write...oh yah and throw in a cute blonde girl somewhere...

p.s. When did they make the weights heavier at the gym? Damn those guys!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The next 10

Well just to let any of you know that haven't been able to physically see me since the last post...I chickened out and never got a haircut. Oh well I look much faster now.

The next week and a half are gonna get pretty crazy, loose itinerary to follow:

Thursday April 10th: My last class I will ever have to attend. No tests or papers or anything like that just a group meeting to prepare for our raffle drawing on Saturday.

Friday April 11th: It's opening day at Lone Star park (horse track). Run ponies, run!

Saturday April 12th: Raffle drawing at UD and the last academic obligation I will probably ever have! Post raffle party with group. Post party party with friends.

Sunday April 13th: Hanging my TV on the wall, moving my prehistoric stove that came with the new house, and other various domesticated chores...home depot, bed bath and beyond, I don't know if there will be time!

Tuesday April 15th: Mom comes back into Dallas for some much needed help to finish off some projects around the house.

Wednesday April 16th: Work and final regular season Mavs game with Mom

Thursday April 17th: Dad and Sister get in.

Friday April 17th: Chris, Greg, Kevin, Tyler, Preston, and Cassandra get in. Holy shit...It's actually gonna happen. On this day at 7:30pm I will walk across the stage at the University of Dallas, they will proceed to give me a Masters degree and the rest of my life will soon follow.

Saturday April 18th: 4pm-Party-my house.

Sunday April 19th: a deep breath...

Wow what a ride my time in Dallas has been! 26 months ago I came here with nothing, only wanting to acquire this MBA thing I'd heard so much about. Now in 9 days I'll have that. Not only will I have the degree I came here for, but I have a home, great friends and a sense of my own fresh start. I'm sure I'll tear up a bit (that's what guys call crying) when I get my diploma or soon thereafter, but I don't think it's because I'll be sad, happy or any of the normal "crying emotions" I think I'll be exhausted. I've been on such a crash course pace for the last two years that I wouldn't be surprised if my body just gave way and I collapsed from exhaustion the second after they hand me my diploma. The feeling of relief will be overwhelming and I'm not sure how I'll handle it...but just remember I won't eyes be a bit watery or I may "tear up" but cry-NEVER! (me man, me tough)

Monday, March 10, 2008

To cut or not to cut?

Well it's been a little over a month and a lot has happened...but I'll fill you in at the end of this post. There is a more pressing issue at hand.

I am in dire need of a good hair cut and need some help with this situation. It has been roughly a month since my last dome shave and I have been presented with a "situation". Matt has also gone a long while between clippings and thinks we should have a competition to see who can go the longest without cutting their hair. I think it would be highly entertaining, and aren't chicks into the whole long hair thing now anyway?

So what do I need from you the faithful rickysroost reader? I need suggestions. If there is gonna be a bet there needs to be a loser and if there is gonna be a loser that loser needs to do something ridiculous so that everyone knows they lost. Some of the preliminary suggestions I've recieved are all something along the lines of the loser taking on a ridiculous hairstyle. Well you must realize that by "losing" me or Matt will have already cut their hair (that's how we lose) so I need something else.

Email me or post on here your suggestions and I'll take the top 3 and let the masses vote. If there aren't any worth "playing" for by Saturday, I'm off to get a make em' good!

So what have I done in the last month...oh boy!
I just moved into my new house and I love it, this week both my bathrooms are being remodled, thanks to my very generous father.
I only have 38 more days till I graduate and I'm, for better or worse, on cruise control in school.
There is however something else you could help me with. As part of my last class at UD, my group must develop and implement an actual project for a real client. Our client is the University of Dallas' Athletic department. We are doing a fundraiser to raise money for the various things an athletic department needs. We are raffling off an ATV and a street legal scooter. I would really appreicate it if you could spare a measly $10 and help me out by buying one of our raffle tickets. If you live out of the Dallas area, the manufacturer will actually ship the merchandise to you for FREE! You can buy your tickets online at (you will need a password to access the site. Username: UD Password UD...simple but we need it that way for legal purposes). If you can however, buy the tickets from me because that makes me look a little bit better:) . If you have any other questions please call me or email me...if you don't know my cell phone number or email address, you're probably not buying a ticket anyway so I'm not posting those on here.

Love you guys, Peace!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


You seem to like pictures...

Happy New Year everyone! No I'm not late, this is my New Years' Holiday. I moved to Irving Texas, on January 28th, 2006, so Monday marks the beginning of my third year! Wow a lot has happened in two years. I just went back and read through a couple of my posts from the last two years (I've been blogging for two years now? Does that make me a blogger? Damn, I'm a dork!) and I had to laugh at some of the stuff I've written over that time period. Surprise, surprise I don't usually hold back what I'm thinking or feeling and I guess I can get pretty emotional, whether it's being, sad, excited, tired, or angry whatever it was it has seemed to come out quite clearly in my writing.

I think I've learned a lot in the last couple years, but I guess only time - or two more years of posts' - will tell if I have or not.

I've learned a lot in school, I'll be done in 82 days, and have done some great projects and learned from some great professors as well as my peers.
I've learned a lot about myself.
I've learned that you can win 67 games or be the best team in the NFC and neither means a damn thing.
I've learned what things I can do and what things I didn't think I could do.
I've learned that I am a NM TAU alumni magnet, where were you guys when I was all alone out here?
I've learned that I can rely on myself quite a bit, but also that there are times when I need to lean upon others.
I've reaffirmed that I can lead, but learned that I can be just as influential from other roles in a group or team.
I've learned that it's great to be independent and by myself, but I learned that I can get so much more when I share myself with someone else.
I've learned that a futon is not "big boy" furniture, but it's hard to get big boy furniture.
I've learned that Venezuela is in the Northern Hemisphere, but is still pretty far south!
I've learned that I like chocolate mints (like the ones at Olive Garden) and comfortable socks, but don't by either on a regular basis, but I have not learned why.
I've learned that heartache is bound to happen, and that when it does I'll wake up the next day and still have a life to live (Nobody else stopped just because I wanted to).
I've learned that when you have the best hand and go "all-in" in the WSOP, you can still lose
I've learned that everyday can't be a good one, but I learned to stop and remember those good ones.
I've learned about the bulls...and the bears of the street.
That's a lot of freakin' learning isn't it? Maybe someday I'll have learned enough to start giving wisdom instead of just being a vacuum.

Oh yeah and how could I forget one of the most memorable quotes from my departure. The last night I went out in Albuquerque before moving Bloch told me "Man I can't believe you're leaving, it's kinda like an end of an era". Well that era might have ended but I started a new one..."Hey Antwan! I can't believe you're moving to Dallas, it's kinda like the end of an era".

Thursday, January 03, 2008

A holiday trilogy. Version 3.0

You may or may not have noticed but just about everyone has a cell phone, and if they don't they're probably not important anyway! So I figured the best way to find out how my last year has been was to pull out the best photographic gems- all taken with my phone- and post them on here. So yeah...

"It will be a visual wonderland" I declared in my last post. Well tonight folks, here it is your very own visual wonderland. I tried to put them in chronological order, but then I got too anxious and just started putting the pictures in random order.

Doesn't he look so cute when he's passed out?
Me and my sister at the Taking Back Sunday concert.
Please keep this image of super skinny Spike in your mind till the end of the presentation.

Ah HA! Real New Mexican food in Texas...yahtzee!

The wall of champions inside Binions Casino. Maybe someday?

Why Ben what beautiful red lips you have.
I don't know what to say, I'm just that bad ass.
I love Chicago.
Mikhail Gorbachev at the University of Dallas. A great experience.
Big Ern is always given people the shaft...that's why they call him the elevator

Honestly how else would you keep the cancer in?
The view of the strip from Ghost Bar at the top of the Palms.
Who has been to a press conference when the NBA MVP gets announced? I have!
My sister getting the keys to her new car. The salesman was diggin' you...
Three words: Double Fish Filet. Nuf' said

At Arielle's birthday party from Tom Hicks' owners suite.
Oh the jokes...
So what if I only lasted - well it's not important how long I lasted.
Spring break in 2007 my first one away from a beach. Wanna talk about skiing?
David + Opening day + Cotton Candy = Joy

Hey look it's champ. A blue horse?
If this doesn't look like Spike, well that's not necesscary cause it does.

Why? Because, that's why.

Umm hospital food ummm. If that ain't a reason to put a tube in your chest I don't know what is.
I told you I met Pat Green. So there!