Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Shame on you!

Sorry to keep my fans waiting (if anyone even reads this), I took a little break from blogging to, like study and stuff...but I'm back bitches!

So after a short hiadeous what should I talk about misconceptions? So what do I mean about misconceptions? The Duke Mens' Lacrosse team, the guys who raped that girl, right? Wrong! Isn't this the land of the free, the home of the brave and the place where you are innocent until proven guilty? Today as I was watching Sports Center I saw something that made me laugh hysterically, not cause it was funny, but becuase it finally shuts up all of the uninformed persecuters. Of the 46 men who gave DNA samples to the North Carolina district attorneys office ZERO matches were found. That's right ladies and gentlemen...ZERO! So for all of you who were part of the jury that already convicted them in the court of publich opinion, and especially those of you who protested on the Duke campus, apoligize. Don't apoligize to me or the lacrosse team, apoligize to your country for going against all that we stand for. Sure it's your right to protest, and I respect that 100%, but wait till you know what the hell you're talking about first (not too much to ask for right?). So what happens to these young mens lives? Guess what they're rapists not because they are but because someone said so...the near future for these young men is ruined. All 46 of them will be rapists in that community until...I dunno...another J.J. Reddick comes along. It's unfair and not what, we Americans, are supposed to be about, so to those of you who had them already guilty...SHAME ON YOU.

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