Marathon Stats

Since I'm going to be training to run a marathon you can go here to check out my training schedule.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Define this!

I believe the music section of this blog is slowly becoming stale. To put an end to all stale activity I declare a change! From here on out...or till this gets stale as well, I will add a link to a website with a high "fun factor". These websites I have compiled over the years and believe them to be humorous.

The first submission to the humor file is...

Okay so I was trying to come up with a unique way to deliver today (or tonight...or this mornings) message when I came up with this, hope you likey.

I will offer words for you in a dictionary form and then define them as they so effect my life.

Boots- noun, plural:
The shoes I wore today to the horse track. The shoes that make me look at least an inch an a half taller than I really am. The shoes that make girls think I'm at least an inch and a half taller than I really am. The shoes that turn my jeans into a designer 'outfit'.

Eli Young Band- noun, persons:
As in the band that was amazing today live. The band that sings one of my favorite songs "So Close Now". A band with an amazing drummer who is amazingly interesting to watch live. A band I can now add to my "I've seen them live" list.

Quinella- a type of bet, esp. on horse races, in which the bettor, in order to win, must select the first- and second-place finishers without specifying their order of finishing. A way to make me think that I know what I'm talking about when in fact I am just some dumb kid with spending money that enjoys drinking beers and watching ponies run in circles.

Ponies- the reason I've had a great night 2 of the last 3 nights. Sure I may not have won every time I've bet but damn I still love them ponies. Okay well most of them were thoroughbreds, but that's besides the's way more fun to call them ponies.

Imus- noun, currently an adjective, describing a person of high stature that believes he can say whatever the hell he wants but in reality he can't. A person who shouldn't have been fired but should have been punished. A person that makes Adam think I hate him but we're brothers so he'll have to do a lot more than enjoy Don Imus to shake me.

Scissors- Damn that was a funny south park episode!

1920s Reporter guy- to speak in a 1920s voice to describe sporting events that are taking place. A moniker I took on in full while at hooters, and couldn't stop. I took on this moniker so much that I called the entire 2006 hot dog eating championship at Hooters and had people high fiven' me and shaking my hand cause I did so well. "Kobeashi has 49 dogs down, he goes back to the water, back to his mouth, Chestnut has 48 dogs and his on Kobeashi's heels, it's Chestnut it's Kobeashi, its chestnut, neck and neck they are coming down to the bun Kobeashi is first to the half century mark and, but Chestnut is chewing with the will of a wildebeest"...if you want more you should have been there.

Saturday 4/14/2007 - A fun filled day with my buddies; Big Earn!, C. Fox, Budda, Baby Moog, and the BOs. A day filled with horse racing, beers, hot dogs, Eli Young Band, Robert Earl Keen, hooters chicken wings, Kobeashi eating way too many hot dogs, and an overall great time.

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