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Monday, October 12, 2009

What a Nobel thought...

As I'm sure most if not all of you have heard by now President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. That's what this post will be about.

But before I go any further I must enter the following disclaimer: I am NOT qualified or have done the necessary research to say which of the candidates who were nominated "deserved" the prize the most. I am sure that all the candidates that made it to the final selection phase had qualities or have done work that has helped make this world more peaceful. My job is to recruit IT people for IT jobs. The Nobel committee's job is to determine the winners of awards in several categories, one of which is the Nobel Peace Prize. They don't call me and tell me what candidates suck without talking to them so I'm not gonna tell them they are right or wrong.

What I can do is write a social commentary about the reactions of people over the award... so I will.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2009 was President Barack Obama. Immediately after his selection being announced many Americans were... outraged? Yes you got it our President was awarded one of the worlds most respected and honored awards but yet a large majority of his country was up in arms of the selection. According to the other candidates who were nominated will not be available to be released for another 50 years so even if you are upset that he won, it would be difficult to compare him to his competition. What we do know is that 205 candidates were nominated... wow and we get all a flutter in the voting both when the Green Party or an independent makes it a total of three people to choose from for President.

According to the Nobel committee he was selected "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". This committee that chose Obama as the winner for this years award was not American based (there aren't even any names that I feel comfortable pronouncing) this committee was made mainly, it seems from members of Scandinavian countries. Scandinavian countries are generally pretty neutral or European biased. They sat in a room with information on 205 nominees and decided that President Obama was the best candidate for the award. It is seldom and fairly rare that an American wins this award to begin with so a bias towards the United States does not seem in play here.

What is hard for me to comprehend is the complete hate that (and I don't want to make this a political discussion but I think I have to a bit here) the Republican party has for this award being given to the President. It is odd for me to see a party built on the backs of trust fund babies, old money, and a long lineage of wealth and power, having such trouble coming to terms with an award that could possibly be given to a recipient that "isn't worthy". Really? Why can't you be happy for the leader of your country being awarded this prestigious award? If it was the other way around Bill O'Rielly would be busy not spinning this into the Democrats not being patriotic, so I'll say it where's your patriotism BILL?

It is just disheartening that we have such a narrow view of world politics. Turn off CNN and FoxNews one day and try reading political articles from other countries on American issues. President Obama has given us credibility once again on a global scale. We are no longer a threat to attack countries that didn't attack us. For months (and shit this time years) before elections we focus on which party within our country is more fit to lead. But after that time period we need to shift our focus internationally. If we fail to notice how and what we look like from a global perspective we will continue to fall behind the rest of the world. Yes I said CONTINUE to fall behind. Our kids are dumber than most developed nations, our money is worth less and less everyday, countries like India and China are catching us in technology and science exponentially every single day... but we're still the greatest country on Earth right? Well we have big guns so I guess so.

I love this country more than anything. And YES I do think we are the greatest country on Earth. There aren't many countries that would even let me write such a public article online. I just want us to start acting like it. We don't have to act like 17 year old boys with issues over the size of our penis'. Going to Europe and Asia and Africa and the Middle East and wanting to be their equal, their partner, their global neighbor is not a sign of weakness. It is quite the opposite it is a sign of extreme confidence, strength and humility. You know who we are most of the time? We are Michael Jordan at his enshrinement speech as he was inducted to the basketball hall of fame a couple months ago. He knows he's the greatest player to ever touch a basketball, we knew he was, and most everyone thinks the hall of fame can shut its' doors now. But instead of taking the time to thank the people that helped him get there he thanked the people he ran over to get there, he pointed out the weak that he beat over and over again. He took his last chance to make sure we all knew it... BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE TO! And neither do we. There is a reason the world does business in English, and does their global transactions in the US Dollar... It's because we are the greatest country in the world. We don't need to go around acting like it.

President Obama can see that we are the greatest country on Earth and he wants everyone else to be a part of it. The rest of the world could see it... when will we? Congratulations Mr. President WE are proud of you!

"The True Gentleman... who is himself humbled when necessity compels him to humble another" - John Walter Wayland

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